What is a hidden hernia? Chronic Abdominal Pain Causes, Symptoms and Treatment
Prolonged abdominal pain, swelling may not be a symptom of a hidden hernia. Read on to know about the causes and treatment of health problems.
Abdominal pain can be a nightmare for anyone, especially when one is not sure what is causing it. Although there are many possible causes of abdominal pain, one very common cause that often goes undiagnosed is a hidden hernia. In this case, it is important to understand what a hidden hernia is and how you can treat it.
What is a hidden hernia?
An occult hernia, also known as an occult hernia, does not show the obvious swelling associated with a hernia, as it is usually under the skin. A hernia can be described as a medical condition where something is pushed through due to a weakness within the body. The tear is usually so small or in a location that the surgeon cannot easily access and therefore misses it.
Hidden hernia diagnosis
The problem with a hidden hernia is that it can be accompanied by many simple or complex diseases such as abdominal pain, especially in women, and is therefore relatively difficult to diagnose. Early diagnosis may be associated with chronic pelvic pain, which can range from sharp, dull, or aching to chronic pain. If your pain worsens with physical activity such as exercise, lifting, walking, bending, or lifting objects, it is more likely to be an occult hernia. Other symptoms may include discomfort or pressure in the lower abdomen. More often, a symptom is pain with activity, especially anything that uses the abdominal muscles, such as exercise, coughing, and in some cases, even laughing. Some people also report burning or tingling in the affected area.
Hidden hernia risk factors
When we discuss the risk and what causes an occult hernia, it is believed that those who have already experienced a hernia are more likely to have it in the future. Activities that involve a lot of pressure, such as lifting heavy weights, can increase the pressure on the muscles around the abdomen. Or it can also cause herniation when a person has a condition like chronic cough. For women, increased weight and pressure during pregnancy can be the cause of hernia formation.
A major challenge associated with occult hernias is that they can be misdiagnosed because they are missed by surgeons through routine tests, and therefore, ultrasound, CT scans, and MRIs are used to show that the hernia may not be externally visible.
Hidden hernia treatment
For severe cases, minimally invasive surgery is performed through laparoscopy, observing the inside of the abdomen to look for the hernia. Hidden hernias are usually treated with operative treatment. There are many different types of hernia repair, from the old-fashioned method of making a slightly larger incision to laparoscopic surgery using a camera, to smaller incisions.
If you ever have unexplained abdominal pain, you need to check for a hidden hernia. The sooner the condition is diagnosed, the better the chances of starting appropriate treatment to prevent subsequent complications and improve quality of life. If your abdominal pain persists despite continued treatment, your doctor may recommend hernia surgery. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the signs and symptoms that will enable early detection and treatment of this often overlooked condition.