Too much screen time? 5 tips to keep your eyes healthy despite long screen hours
In today's digital age, promoting eye health is essential to reduce vision-related problems. Here are some practical tips you should keep in mind to protect and enhance your eye health.
In today's world, where everything has gone digital, frequent eye problems have also become common. Dry eyes, eye strain and increased power of glasses in children under 10 are some of the problems that have increased in the digital age. Promoting eye health is essential to reduce these problems.
Digital screens are everywhere and affect our daily lives more often than we realize. In this article, we have shared some tips on how to protect your eye health and overcome the symptoms of excessive screen use.
5 Ways to Protect Your Eyes from Too Much Screen Time
- Follow the 20-20-20 Rule: The best way to maintain eye health is to give your eyes regular breaks from digital devices. The 20-20-20 rule states that for every 20 minutes you spend on a device, you should look at an object 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds. It relaxes the eye muscles and can reduce stress with this simple exercise.
- Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is another important factor for eye health. Dehydration can cause dryness and discomfort in the eyes. To keep your eyes hydrated throughout the day, make sure you drink plenty of water.
- Use a larger display: Switch to a larger display whenever you can. A larger screen results in larger text and visuals, reducing the need for extended close-up viewing and sharper focus.
- Use eye drops: Those who suffer from dry eyes should use lubricating drops. Use them only when recommended by a qualified ophthalmologist to maintain proper eye health and prevent further complications.
- Get enough sleep: People who spend a lot of time on screens should get enough sleep. Sleep is important for maintaining eye health in general. 7-8 hours of sleep is essential to promote the natural lubrication of the eyes and protect them from dryness.
You can prioritize and maintain your eye health in this digital age by following these practices: resting your eyes, using screens with appropriate lighting, putting space between you and your screen, and limiting screen use before bed. These techniques not only support long-term eye health, but also ensure that your vision remains clear even after prolonged screen use.